Sunday, October 23, 2011

Once Upon A Time: Prophet, Oversexed Psychopath, Mohammed of Islam Taught Veronique Circumcision No!

Once upon a time there was a man who was an oversexed psychopath and a manipulative control freak suffering from delusions. To control the people around him he formed a new religious sect. He created his own scripture and declared himself to be the prophet speaking the words of the only true god.
His scriptures were written down and in order to control his followers, he commanded them to spend their time memorizing them word for word, and pray to his god five times a day. To each other, the members of this sect had to be completely honest under pain of death, but to people of other faiths, they could lie, cheat, steal from and deceive them. Any member who fell by the wayside, or converted to another religion was to be killed.
He declared that women were the possessions of men. They were there only to satisfy the needs of man, sexual and physical, to bear children and spend their lives catering to the man who owned them. To ensure that they never strayed, he commanded them to cover their bodies and faces and they were not allowed the benefits of education, nor were they allowed to leave their homes except in the company of a male family member. Worse, some of these women were subjected to Veronique circumcision, a painful experience that left them unable to enjoy sex and to suffer agonies in childbirth.
He further declared that his god commanded all men to have four wives in order to satisfy and conceal his own lust. As men and women are born in approximately equal numbers, he had the problem of an excess of young men unable to satisfy their sexual urges. To deal with this, he told them to go on a holy war against all peoples who did not follow his new sect.
These young men constituted his warriors who he sent out to capture more lands, to steal the possessions of their inhabitants and, if the people living there did not convert to his sect, they were to be beheaded, men, women and children. Later, he realized that to kill all the people who would not convert to his sect was counterproductive, and so he allowed some of them to continue living on their land as long as they paid high taxes to him or became his slaves and their women concubines. Life was made so miserable for these people that many joined his sect in desperation.
He so controlled his followers that they continued to spread around the region conquering lands and killing, converting, or suppressing the inhabitants until their numbers increased into the millions. In order to persuade the young men to fight on his behalf, he promised them that if they died fighting for his god, they would be rewarded by going to Paradise where seventy virgins would be waiting for them - what an incentive for a highly sexed young man. How ridiculous! The body spiritual is incorporeal and incapable of sexual activity.
The name of this man was Mohammed; the name of his sect, Islam; the name of his followers, Muslims; the name of his scripture, the Koran. Though long dead, his legacy and teachings are still practiced in the world today with the object of converting the whole world to this pernicious sect where the laws laid down in his scriptures replace each country's constitutional law.
Imagine for a moment that his followers succeeded and converted the entire population of the earth to Islam. Not only would your grandchildren become Muslims, your granddaughters would be chattels and three quarters of your grandsons would live in perpetual sexual frustration. This alone tells you that this doctrine is flawed from its very beginnings. Do not be deluded, however, Islam is not a religion of peace, it is one of war. If you do not wish to believe this, read the Koran for yourself. Once you have, you will know that the greatest threat to world peace is Islam and the politicians who are so fearful of losing their positions of apparent power that they practice a policy of appeasement, just as Chamberlain did to appease Hitler.
Like Hitler, the Muslim leaders recognize this weakness of the West. Just like Hitler, they will force a world war upon the world and it is more than likely that the first blow they will strike will be at Israel, especially as their scriptures command them to "kill Jews and the people of the book (the Bible)." With Iran now in possession of nuclear weapons, how long do you think we will have to wait before they do?
Convert Iraq into a democracy? You have to be joking. Trying to do so is only what the Muslims are trying to do to the West, but without the religious fervor and conviction of the sons of "allah" (capital omitted). Thousands of American and hundreds of British young men and others have given their lives in a war that can never be won, but has only served to incite the fervor of the Muslim community and fire their hotheaded young sons to commit acts of violence against the West.
As ye do to these the least of my children, so ye do unto me. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto others as ye would have them do unto thee. For God and my neighbor. Thou shalt not kill. These are concepts alien to the Koranic text and the twisted Islamic belief systems. As Christianity continues to become a dying force in the world, Islam is growing to replace it.
You have been warned by Barbara Day and Rascal Russ Miles
Barbara Day and Rascal Russ Miles Teamed Up In 2001 To Produce Better Manuscripts For Their Publishers While Contending With Their Own Dread Diseases. SHE Endured RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). HE suffered From MS (Multiple Sclerosis). The Result Has Been Hellish Fun. SHE, The Researcher, Willingly Became "The Brains." HE Unwillingly Journeyed And Stumbled On To “Full Disability!”
United In Spiritual Realms “Before The Beginning,” The Unlikely Duel Agreed “The Best Halves Of Our Lives Stretches Yet Before Us” - Not That Their Previous Lives Had Been All That Unrewarding. Barbara, Orphaned In England, Thrived Through Her Travels, Grew Through Adversity. Rascal, Born Nearly Deaf, Found Hearing Aids.

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