Empat rider dua team yang di sponsori Repsol disambut serangkaian acara menjelang MotoGP Spanyol.Dani Pedrosa,Casey Stoner,Andrea Dovizioso dari team Repsol Honda (MotoGP) di tamabah Marc Marquez dari team Catalunya Caixa Repsol (Moto2) didaulat untuk menjadi bintang iklan terbaru produk Repsol.
Dalam iklan tersebut terlihat keempat rider menunggang motor CBR600RR.Selain menggunakan Livery Repsol, motor - motor itu juga dilengkapi dengan knalpot lateral untuk membuatnya terlihat seperti Honda RC212V.
Di bawah ini anda menyaksikan video Backstage pembuatan iklan tersebut.Selamat menikmati
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Dari Jerez, Pedrosa Menuju Meja Operasi
Dani Pedrosa akan naik ke meja operasi setelah gelaran MotoGP Spanyol. Pembalap Repsol Honda ini harus menjalani operasi untuk memulihkan kekuatan lengan kirinya.
Berdasarkan diagnosis yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Eusebio Sala Planell, seorang ahli bedah vaskuler, Pedrosa mengalami kompresi intermiten pada arteri subklavia. Keadaan ini menyebabkan rider asal Spanyol tersebut mengalami mati rasa dan kehilangan kekuatan pada lengan kirinya.
Ini bisa jadi merupakan efek samping dari patah tulang selangka yang dialami Pedrosa akibat kecelakaan dalam latihan MotoGP Jepang tahun lalu. Meski dia sudah dioperasi pada bulan Oktober 2010 silam, kondisinya belum 100 persen pulih.
Pedrosa punya cukup banyak waktu untuk memulihkan diri pasca operasi. Dia diuntungkan dengan ditundanya MotoGP Jepang akibat bencana gempa dan tsunami. Setelah MotoGP Spanyol di Jerez, seri berikutnya adalah MotoGP Portugal di Estoril pada 1 Mei 2011.
"Tak pernah menyenangkan menjalani operasi, tapi kami sudah menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mencari jawaban atas efek dari cedera ini dan saya lega akhirnya kami tahu apa yang terjadi," ujar Pedrosa, di situs resmi MotoGP.
"Sekarang, kami di Jerez. Saya ingin berkonsentrasi pada balapan dan bekerja dengan tim saya untuk mencari jalan terbaik untuk mempersiapkan balapan," imbuh rider 25 tahun ini.
"Balapan ini spesial, para penonton selalu di sana untuk memberi Anda poin ekstra dan saya harap itu membantu saya, seperti biasanya."
"Saya menyukai treknya. Saya selalu mendapat hasil bagus dan saya akan menghadapi akhir pekan dengan pikiran terbuka, mencoba melakukan yang terbaik dengan kondisi saya saat ini," tutupnya.
Casey Stoner VS Jorge Lorenzo
Preview MotoGP Seri 2 Jerez, Spanyol
Kondisi fisik Valentino Rossi dan Dani Pedrosa yang belum sepenuhnya pulih sepertinya akan membuat seri ke-2 MotoGP 2011 yang akan berlangsung di sirkuit Jerez, Spanyol menjedi “pertempuran” antara Casey Stoner vs Jorge Lorenzo. Akankah Stoner semakin mengukuhkan dominasinya? Ataukah Lorenzo yang akan mengulang kejayaannya tahun lalu?
Sejak era MotoGP bergulir pada tahun 2002 lalu, race di sirkuit Jerez selalu dimenangkan oleh rider Italia dan Spanyol. Dari Italia ada Loris Capirossi (2006) dan Valentino Rossi (2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009) sedangkan dari Spanyol terdiri dari Sete Gibernau (2004), Dani Pedrosa (2008) dan Jorge Lorenzo (2010). Jika Stoner berhasil meraih kemenangan di seri ke-2 ini maka itu akan menjadi kemenangan pertamanya di Jerez. Sekaligus juga menjadi rider non Italia/Spanyol pertama yang menjuarai seri Jerez di era MotoGP. Dan tentu saja hal itu akan menjadi ancaman serius bagi lawan-lawannya. Jika dengan Honda RC212V, rider Australia itu mampu menaklukkan sirkuit yang sebelumnya belum pernah dikuasainya, tentu sirkuit-sirkuit lain dimana dia sudah pernah naik podium tertinggi akan lebih mudah untuk ditaklukkan.
Tugas berat pun kemudian hinggap ke pundak Jorge Lorenzo. Kemanangan di Jerez menjadi sesuatu yang teramat penting baginya. Bukan cuma karena ini adalah balapan di kampung halamannya dimana fans club-nya telah mem-booking area khusus untuk memberi dukungan padanya, tetapi juga karena kemenangan di Jerez bisa menjadi motivasi besar baginya untuk mempertahankan gelar juara dunia di musim 2011 ini.
Seandainya Lorenzo tak mampu menaklukkan Honda (Stoner) di kampung halamannya, maka pastinya di sirkuit-sirkuit lain akan jauh lebih sulit baginya membendung laju para rider Repsol Honda, terutama si Ausssie Boy. Sebaliknya, jika X-Fuera sukses menancapkan bendera Lorenzo’s Land di Jerez, rider Spanyol itu tentu akan mendapatkan “darah segar”. Sebuah motivasi luar biasa karena itu berarti Honda masih mungkin untuk ditaklukkannya.
Apakah Jerez hanya akan menjadi milik Stoner dan Lorenzo? Oh, tentu tidak. Andrea Dovizioso, Marco Simoncelli dan Ben Spies pastinya tak akan mau ketinggalan. Mungkinkah salah satu dari mereka menjadi juara baru di Jerez? Tentu saja mungkin, tak ada yang mustahil dalam sebuah balapan. Tetapi bicara peluang, ya tentu saja peluang besar ada pada Lorenzo dan Stoner.
Bagaimana dengan Rossi dan Pedrosa?
Keduanya punya catatan prestasi bagus di Jerez. Terutama The Doctor yang memang sudah sering menang di sini. Jika melihat siklus kemenangannya, seharusnya tahun ini si Italiano kembali naik podium puncak. Demikian pula halnya dengan The Little Spaniard. Dia pernah juara di sirkuit ini tahun 2008. Musim 2010 lalu pun Pedrosa nyaris juara lagi sebelum dikandaskan oleh Lorenzo di lap terakhir.
Permasalahannya, tak ada yang tau persis seburuk apa kondisi fisik kedua jagoan MotoGP tersebut. Jika salah satu dari mereka sukses menjuarai seri ke-2 MotoGP 2011 ini, tentu itu akan menjadi sebuah kejutan besar. Bukan cuma bagi para MotoGP Mania tetapi juga bagi team medis mereka masing-masing.
Kondisi fisik Valentino Rossi dan Dani Pedrosa yang belum sepenuhnya pulih sepertinya akan membuat seri ke-2 MotoGP 2011 yang akan berlangsung di sirkuit Jerez, Spanyol menjedi “pertempuran” antara Casey Stoner vs Jorge Lorenzo. Akankah Stoner semakin mengukuhkan dominasinya? Ataukah Lorenzo yang akan mengulang kejayaannya tahun lalu?
Sejak era MotoGP bergulir pada tahun 2002 lalu, race di sirkuit Jerez selalu dimenangkan oleh rider Italia dan Spanyol. Dari Italia ada Loris Capirossi (2006) dan Valentino Rossi (2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009) sedangkan dari Spanyol terdiri dari Sete Gibernau (2004), Dani Pedrosa (2008) dan Jorge Lorenzo (2010). Jika Stoner berhasil meraih kemenangan di seri ke-2 ini maka itu akan menjadi kemenangan pertamanya di Jerez. Sekaligus juga menjadi rider non Italia/Spanyol pertama yang menjuarai seri Jerez di era MotoGP. Dan tentu saja hal itu akan menjadi ancaman serius bagi lawan-lawannya. Jika dengan Honda RC212V, rider Australia itu mampu menaklukkan sirkuit yang sebelumnya belum pernah dikuasainya, tentu sirkuit-sirkuit lain dimana dia sudah pernah naik podium tertinggi akan lebih mudah untuk ditaklukkan.
Tugas berat pun kemudian hinggap ke pundak Jorge Lorenzo. Kemanangan di Jerez menjadi sesuatu yang teramat penting baginya. Bukan cuma karena ini adalah balapan di kampung halamannya dimana fans club-nya telah mem-booking area khusus untuk memberi dukungan padanya, tetapi juga karena kemenangan di Jerez bisa menjadi motivasi besar baginya untuk mempertahankan gelar juara dunia di musim 2011 ini.
Seandainya Lorenzo tak mampu menaklukkan Honda (Stoner) di kampung halamannya, maka pastinya di sirkuit-sirkuit lain akan jauh lebih sulit baginya membendung laju para rider Repsol Honda, terutama si Ausssie Boy. Sebaliknya, jika X-Fuera sukses menancapkan bendera Lorenzo’s Land di Jerez, rider Spanyol itu tentu akan mendapatkan “darah segar”. Sebuah motivasi luar biasa karena itu berarti Honda masih mungkin untuk ditaklukkannya.
Apakah Jerez hanya akan menjadi milik Stoner dan Lorenzo? Oh, tentu tidak. Andrea Dovizioso, Marco Simoncelli dan Ben Spies pastinya tak akan mau ketinggalan. Mungkinkah salah satu dari mereka menjadi juara baru di Jerez? Tentu saja mungkin, tak ada yang mustahil dalam sebuah balapan. Tetapi bicara peluang, ya tentu saja peluang besar ada pada Lorenzo dan Stoner.
Bagaimana dengan Rossi dan Pedrosa?
Keduanya punya catatan prestasi bagus di Jerez. Terutama The Doctor yang memang sudah sering menang di sini. Jika melihat siklus kemenangannya, seharusnya tahun ini si Italiano kembali naik podium puncak. Demikian pula halnya dengan The Little Spaniard. Dia pernah juara di sirkuit ini tahun 2008. Musim 2010 lalu pun Pedrosa nyaris juara lagi sebelum dikandaskan oleh Lorenzo di lap terakhir.
Permasalahannya, tak ada yang tau persis seburuk apa kondisi fisik kedua jagoan MotoGP tersebut. Jika salah satu dari mereka sukses menjuarai seri ke-2 MotoGP 2011 ini, tentu itu akan menjadi sebuah kejutan besar. Bukan cuma bagi para MotoGP Mania tetapi juga bagi team medis mereka masing-masing.
More About Lady Ga-Ga's Early Carrier
Uji Coba Mesin Honda 1000cc Ditunda
(Motor Honda RC212V)
Tidak hanya seri balapan MotoGP di Motegi yang harus ditunda, tetapi dampak gempa di Jepang beberapa waktu lalu juga menyebabkan ditundanya tes motor 1000cc milik Honda. Motor ini adalah motor baru untuk menyesuaikan dengan regulasi pada musim balap 2012 nanti. Sebenarnya sirkuit Suzuka atau beberapa trek di wilayah Barat Jepang masih dapat digunakan, tetapi karena tidak ada ketersediaan bahan bakar, membuat mereka tidak dapat kemana-mana. Dilansir dari sebuah media otomotif, bos Honda Racing sendiri, Shuei Nakamoto yang memberi pengumuman tersebut, “Suzuka dan track lain di Jepang bagian barat memang tersedia tetapi kami tidak punya bakan bakar untuk truk, jadi kami tidak dapat berpindah. Bahan bakar akan dikirim lagi minggu ini jadi kemungkinan kami akan melakukan uji coba segera”, pungkasnya.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Top Chef All-Stars Finale: Richard Blais wins the "Top Chef"
"Top Chef All-Stars Finale", the remaining two contestants prepared the best meal of their lives. The final challenge was to create the restaurant of their dreams with a four-course tasting menu.
Richard Blais and Mike Isabella got to be assisted by eliminated chefs in the kitchen. The former had Spike, Angelo and Antonia on his team while the latter got Tiffani, Jamie and Carla. Richard decided to call his restaurant Tongue in Cheek while Mike preferred to call his simply Izz.
Mike created a dish made from beets for his first course, and followed it up with steamed halibut with kumquat, pork shoulder with pepperoni sauce and a flan. Richard amused the judges with hamachi and sweetbreads, black cod and pork belly, beef short rib and foie gras ice cream.
When the judges deliberated, the first and second course went to Richard, while the third went to Mike. The dessert became the determining point but it was apparent that Richard would win because during the tasting, judge Art Smith said about Mike's flan, "I don't like the way it feels in my mouth."
Mike Isabella,
Richard Blais,
Top Chef,
Top Chef All-Stars,
TV Show
Top Chef All-Stars Finale: Who will be crowned "Top Chef?"
Mike Isabella and Richard Blais headed into the Top Chef: All-Stars finale with grills blazing and blenders whirring, knowing that $200,000 and the title that had eluded them both in previous seasons was on the line.
Their mission if they chose to accept it: Create a four-course tasting menu for the restaurant of their dreams.
So, did Richard find sweet redemption with foie gras ice cream after coming up short in season four? Or did season-six also-ran Mike and his pepperoni sauce finally end up with a real reason to brag?
Who will be crowned "Top Chef?"
Padma and Tom tell Mike and Richard that they will be creating the restaurant of their dreams with a four-course tasting menu. Of course, the voted-off chefs are back as sous chefs (AKA I get to see Angelo)! The chefs have 30 minutes to cook an amuse-bouche for Richard and Mike to taste. Twist! They are blind-folded, so can't tell who made what! Mike admits if he had a choice he would take his friend Jen (no surprise) and no one in their right mind would choose Jamie. Or Marcel. Richard wants Dale, Angelo or Jen.
In the end, Mike picks Tiffani, Jamie (ahh!) and Carla while Richard picks Spike, Angelo and Antonia. Mike acts happy to work with them, but come on. Jamie? Really? Anyway, it seems like they both are very set on what they want and very driven. Mike's obviously going Italian and Richard is doing more of a surf and turf theme. They have five hours before they open! Everything seems to be going great, but I can't even tell what they're cooking because it's all so rushed! This should have been a two-hour finale if you ask me.
Anyway, the judges start filing into the restaurants. Richard's restaurant is called "Tongue & Cheek" while Mike's is called "Restaurant Iz." The first round of judges include Padma, Lidia Bastianich, Alfred Portale and Hurbert Keller. They go to Richard's place first. He starts off with an oyster amuse-bouche, which is well-received. I love Spike. He's creeping on the judges. First course is raw Hamachi, which is also liked by all. His second course is pork belly and black cod, which they love. The third course is a beef short rib. They don't love the creativity, but they love the execution. Richard is crazy and looking at the chefs' leftovers! Richard's last dish is his foie gratis ice cream. "It's a controversial dish," says Spike. Haha!
Tom, Gail, Curtis Stone and Art Smith hit up Mike's restaurant first. Mike's first course is a spiced beet salad and they love it. Uh oh. It takes a little long to get the second course out. He serves Halibut and Tom says it's the best-cooked fish he's had on the show! Wow. His third course is braised ribs, which he calls his "Tom dish" and he's right. They really like it. Mike's last dish, rosemary custard, was the only one they weren't thrilled about it. Still good though.
The other chefs are also dining. The judges then switch and go to the other restaurant. Richard is trying to change his last dish to make it better for the second round of judges. At this point, it's so close. Who knows what will happen?!? The second set of judges really love Mike's dishes. But wait, they love Richard's too! He fixed his dessert too. Yay! I can't stop using exclamation points. Hah. The one thing I will say is that this is the first time there were no sous chef issues. Everyone seemed to pull their weight -- even Jamie!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Capsule Endoscopy Offered by US Hospitals
A gastroenterologist and endoscopist at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins, W.Va., is now offering capsule endoscopy for the detection and diagnosis of small intestinal disorders, including small bowel tumors and Crohn's Disease, according to a WBOY news report.
Nitesh Ratnakar, MD, said capsule endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require sedation or any recovery time. The pill, which is approximately the size of a large vitamin, passes through the body between 24-48 hours. The images from the pill are captured and delivered wirelessly to a data recorder patients wear outside their clothing, according to the news report.
A less invasive procedure that means no sedative or recovery time is now available at Davis Memorial Hospital.
With this technology, patients swallow a pill about the size of a large vitamin and they continue their day in a normal manner.
Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar is a gastroenterologist and endoscopist at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. His office recently began using the Pillcam for detection of small intestinal disorders.
"Its non invasive, out patient, and it gives us a lot of information about the diseases of the small bowel," said Ratnakar.
The mini camera capsule contains state of the art technology. Before this technology, doctors had to conduct an X-Ray test. Now patients swallow the camera, and for the next eight hours up to 50,000 pictures are taken of the patients small intestines.
The photos are wirelessly transmitted to a data recorder attached to a belt patients wear on the outside of their clothing.
The technology is used to help diagnose small bowel disorders or conditions such as Crohn's Disease, causes of anemia, and small bowel tumors. Ratnakar calls this procedure helpful because images of the small bowel are difficult to capture.
"This is a leap from that point where we are directly able to visualize the inside lining of the bowel and its quite exciting technology, It's a stepping stone to future robotic medicine," said Ratnakar.
About a dozen procedures have been done so far, and patients are pleased with it.
"Patients love it. They like the convenience, they come to my office in the morning and swallow the capsule and we give them instructions. They go about their daily manner they come back in the evening return our receiver, and we call them a few days later with results, so it's been well accepted," said Ratnakar.
Marie Osmond Talks About Meeting Elizabeth Taylor: "Those eyes"
Marie Osmond is one of the many stars in Hollywood who is mourning the passing of legendary actress, Elizabeth Taylor last week. Elizabeth’s life ended at the age of 79, but her legacy will live on forever.
Marie Osmond spoke out about the first time she ever met Elizabeth Taylor after she and her brother Donny Osmond did their 500th show at the Flamingo in Las Vegas the other night. She met Elizabeth Taylor at the White House during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
Of the meeting, Marie said, “Those eyes…They were so beautiful just as everyone says.”
Osmond also went on to praise Elizabeth Taylor’s humanitarian efforts saying, “She showed so much courage in her fight against AIDS. She was one of the first celebrities to take up that cause, and I respect her so much for that.”
Marie Osmond recalled to the Las Vegas Sun about the time she met Elizabeth Taylor.
The setting was an event at the White House, while Ronald Reagan was president. Taylor (who died Wednesday at the age of 79) was there with her husband at the time, then-Sen. John Warner, R-Virginia.
Osmond, talking after she and her brother Donny finished their 500th show at the Flamingo in Las Vegas, remembered her face-to-face meeting with the legendary film beauty.
"Those eyes," Osmond said. "They were so beautiful, just as everyone says.”
Taylor's trademark violet eyes inspired Osmond to create eyes that color for her doll collection.
Osmond called Taylor "an inspiration. She showed so much courage in her fight against AIDS. She was one of the first celebrities to take up that cause, and I respect her so much for that.”
Retrieved from:
Elizabeth Taylor,
Marie Osmond,
Those Eyes
Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi Final: India vs Pakistan
The ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 has already hit the globe hard and seems like a viral infection with all age groups. The impact of infection rise to the extreme with India and Pakistan set a date with each other at the semi final of this mega event on 30th March 2011.The cricket web sites have witnessed a tremendous inflow of traffic after the arch rivals have prepared to clash with one another. This historic match will be host by Mohali cricket stadium and the long list of dignitaries includes Prime Minister of both the countries, cabinet ministers, Governor of Punjab, celebrities, and former cricketers.
The match is no less than a war with both the countries pride at stake and fans on either side of the border anxious about the fate of the match. India will enjoy a little edge over their neighbor but the importance of match is so high that you cannot sit back and relax.
The SWOT analysis before the match will give a picture of the start of the ultimate war.
India’s strength: – Home turf, Powerful Batting Line, 100% win record against Pakistan in World Cup.
India’s weakness: – Unstable Bowling attack, Average fielding standard, not a confident world cup campaign so far excluding the victory over Australia.
Pakistan’s strength: – Best Bowling Attack, Group Topper, Victory Against Sri Lanka and Australia.
Pakistan’s Weakness: – Batting line average, Never won against India in World cup, Playing against host.
The analysis of the opponents of “Mother of all War” seems to be a close game of cricket is what we will witness on Wednesday. So get ready to a thrilling game, which will let your sweat dry, heart explode, and left you with either a moment of joy or disappointment.
ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 2nd Semi Final
India vs Pakistan
PAK vs IND match at Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali.
30 March,2011 09:00 AM GMT
Recent Matches
29 March,2011
New Zealand vs Sri Lanka
1st Semi Final
R.Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Result: Sri Lanka won by 5 wickets
26 March,2011
Sri Lanka vs England
4th Quarter Final
R.Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Result: Sri Lanka won by 10 wickets
25 March,2011
New Zealand vs South Africa
3rd Quarter Final
Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur
Result: New Zealand won by 49 runs
Gluten Free Diet: another celebs diet method
If you have went to the store lately I am sure you have seen the plethora of products that can be eaten on the gluten free diet because they are now made without gluten. Many celebs are picking up this diet and running with it as well as many women and men around the world that are looking to drop a few pounds.
When people get on the gluten free diet many times they are going to find that they lose weight and they think it is because they have cut gluten out of their diet. Most times this simply is not true. Gluten is a protein that you will find in product that contain wheat, barley and rye. The reason that you lose weight when getting on the gluten free diet is because you cut out many products that are starchy products that are difficult for your body to digest.
You can lose weight when going on this diet but you can just as easily lose weight by cutting out the foods that are difficult to digest for your body. Your body will be able to tell you what it does not like and what is difficult for it to digest. Just limit those things that are processed and you will see results. If you must go along with the gluten free diet craze it won’t hurt you but it is not the magic bullet.
The gluten free diet consists of eliminating foods that contain gluten, which is a protein found mainly in wheat products. It is hard to digest for many people, and even more detrimental to those who suffer from celiac disease.
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Elisabeth Hasselbeck |
There are quite a few celebs who stick to a gluten free regime, most notably Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who wrote a book called “The G-Free Diet.” She chose to share her story after battling health problems, which were ultimately diagnosed as celiac disease.
Other stars who are fans of the gluten free diet include Zooey Deschanel and Gwyneth Paltrow. Jenny McCarthy also endorses the diet, and insists it helped her son’s autism.
Fukushima Radioactive Particles Detected in UK
Radioactive fallout from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan has been found in the UK.
Two British laboratories picked up traces of radioactive iodine today — nearly 6,000 MILES from the damaged plant, which has been in meltdown since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11.
A spokesman for the Health Protection Agency said iodine has now been discovered at labs in Oxfordshire and Glasgow.
Dr Michael Clark said: "Very low levels of radioactivity, traceable to Fukushima, have been detected at monitoring stations in the UK including Chilton, in Oxfordshire, and Glasgow, in Scotland.
"These traces have been found in Europe - Switzerland, Germany and Iceland - and in the USA.
"They're trace levels but of course with radioactivity we can measure very low amounts."
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) also confirmed the find, but stressed it wasn't a danger to the public.
Dr James Gemmill, Sepa's radioactive substances manager, said: "The concentration of iodine detected is extremely low and is not of concern for the public or the environment.
"The fact that such a low concentration of this radionuclide was detected demonstrates how effective the surveillance programme for radioactive substances is in the UK."
There was more bad news from the Fukushima plant today, as scientists confirmed they had found Plutonium in nearby soil.
But Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) insisted the amounts of the cancer-causing chemical element were not a danger to the public.
NISA's deputy director-general Hidehiko Nishiyama said: "It was the same level as normally found in the atmosphere as radioactive fallout after an atmospheric nuclear test, but a test done far away that would not directly affect someone."
The Plutonium is thought to have come from some of the plant's fuel rods found in each of the troubled reactors.
Last week the plant's owners admitted that some of the rods had begun to melt after cooling systems were knocked out by the giant wave.
Nuclear plants use Plutonium-239, which has a chemical half-life of 24,000 years, meaning anything leaked from Fukushima today will still affect the area for thousands of years to come.
Workers at the plant, known as the Fukushima 50, are still battling to save the crippled site and avert a nuclear diaster.
Last week, two were taken to hospital after being exposed to high levels of radiation.
Locals living within 18 miles of the plant have been advised to leave the area entirely, or stay indoors as radiation continues to climb.
Meanwhile, Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan told his parliament that the country was grappling with its worst problems since the Second World War.
Mr Kan said: "This quake, tsunami and the nuclear accident are the biggest crises for Japan in decades."
He warned the nuclear disaster remained unpredictable, but added: "From now on, we will continue to handle it in a state of maximum alert."
Hopkins Siapkan Mental Untuk Jerez
Balapan di Jerez tinggal beberapa hari lagi, lalu bagaimana dengan persiapan John Hopkins untuk debut perdananya di MotoGP ini.. ? .Pada sebuah media Hopkins mengatakan bahwa dia menghadapi tugas yang berat di akhir pekan ini. Setelah sekitar 3 tahun tidak pernah membalap di GP, dia mengaku butuh banyak penyesuaian dengan mesin GP. GSV-R sendiri juga telah mengalami banyak kemajuan dalam 3 tahun terakhir. Hopkins membalap terakhir kali pada tahun 2008 bersama Kawasaki dan kemudian terdepak karena Kawasaki memilih pembalap baru. Tetapi ada satu hal yang menurutnya sangat membantu, “Saya mengetahui lintasan Jerez dengan baik, jadi ini tidak sama seperti saat saya belajar sirkuit baru dan saya juga mengenal team dengan baik, jadi itu akan banyak membantu,” ungkapnya.
Dia juga mengatakan akan mencoba sekeras mungkin untuk mendapat hasil yang baik dan memastikan tidak mengecewakan siapapun, termasuk dirinya sendiri dan dia berkata akan membayar kesempatan yang diberikan Rizla dan para sponsor dengan performa yang bagus dalam kembalinya dia ke MotoGP ini.
John Hopkins telah dikontak bos Rizla Suzuki untuk membalap menggantikan Alvaro Bautista yang cedera patah tulang paha saat terjatuh pada sesi latihan di Sirkuit Qatar (18/3/11). Akibat kecelakaan tersebut, tim Rizla harus absen dari lomba di Losail Qatar karena tidak ada pengganti. Bautista sendiri dikabarkan telah selesai menjalani operasi dan kini telah berada di rumahnya di Talavera de La Reina, Spanyol.
Dia juga mengatakan akan mencoba sekeras mungkin untuk mendapat hasil yang baik dan memastikan tidak mengecewakan siapapun, termasuk dirinya sendiri dan dia berkata akan membayar kesempatan yang diberikan Rizla dan para sponsor dengan performa yang bagus dalam kembalinya dia ke MotoGP ini.
John Hopkins telah dikontak bos Rizla Suzuki untuk membalap menggantikan Alvaro Bautista yang cedera patah tulang paha saat terjatuh pada sesi latihan di Sirkuit Qatar (18/3/11). Akibat kecelakaan tersebut, tim Rizla harus absen dari lomba di Losail Qatar karena tidak ada pengganti. Bautista sendiri dikabarkan telah selesai menjalani operasi dan kini telah berada di rumahnya di Talavera de La Reina, Spanyol.
Short Hair Cuts: Are you In or Out?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan kalimat tersebut sangat cocok jika di ibaratkan pada api, ya api api akan menjadi kebutuhan setiap orang dalam berukuran kecil, namun api akan menjadi musuh setiap orang jika api tersebut berukuran besar( baca : kebakaran)
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan. kalimat ini harus selalu menjadi pengingat agar kita selalu waspada pada api agar tidak terjadi kebakaran, karena di indonesia sendiri kebakaran terjadi banyak disebabkan oleh kelalaian.
semoga bermanfaat.
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan
Solusi Forum Komunitas Online Indonesia
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan. kalimat ini harus selalu menjadi pengingat agar kita selalu waspada pada api agar tidak terjadi kebakaran, karena di indonesia sendiri kebakaran terjadi banyak disebabkan oleh kelalaian.
semoga bermanfaat.
Kecil Jadi Kawan, Besar Jadi Lawan
Solusi Forum Komunitas Online Indonesia
What we know about Lady Gaga.
Well, if you really want to know what I and Lady Gaga have in common is, we both love piano. Only difference is that I started fooling around with it when I was 25, but she did it since she was four years old. At a ripe age of eleven. You'll be surprise to find out that she went into a Catholic school in the New York. Who would tell that for such a wild baby! She was into studying performance music since thirteen and that is when she wrote her first piano score. She was spotted by a New York nightclub and she performed there for the first time aged only fourteen. A bit late in comparison with Mozart, but there we are. She named her act, on an impulse, 'Lady Ga-Ga' after Queen's song 'Radio Ga-Ga'. She went to New York University's Tisch School and there she was noticed as a most talented student, particularly coming forward with here song writing skills. To make ends meet, at one time, she was doing three jobs at once, including one as a go-go (not a ga-ga) dancer.
Her hopes were risen when she was signed up by the Def Jam Records label, but it didn't work out and she was forsaken only few months later. She than started performing in clubs and venues around New York Lower East Side. There she was noticed for her collaborations with indie music groups and her fascination for fashion.
Her hopes were risen when she was signed up by the Def Jam Records label, but it didn't work out and she was forsaken only few months later. She than started performing in clubs and venues around New York Lower East Side. There she was noticed for her collaborations with indie music groups and her fascination for fashion.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Mega Millions: New Yorker Wins the Jackpot
The Mega Millions jackpot is growing even larger,and Mega Millions players from coast to coast are the winners! A total of1,243,856 tickets won prizes in the Tuesday, February 21 drawing. Since noticket matched all six numbers to win the jackpot, the excitement continues togrow for the Friday, February 24, 2006 drawing, which will have an estimated jackpot of $203 million.
Tuesday's winning numbers were: 14-23-27-36-45 and the Mega Ball numberwas 36.
You can't come closer to winning the jackpot than the 19 tickets thatmatched the first five numbers and only missed the Mega Ball number. Thosetickets were purchased in California (6), Illinois (2), Michigan (3), New York(4), Ohio (2), Texas (1) and Virginia (1).
This jackpot has been growing since January 6, when Mega Millions had itsmost recent jackpot winner. The jackpot has now rolled 13 times without awinner. The odds of winning the jackpot are approximately one in 176 million.The odds of winning any of the Mega Millions prizes are approximately 1 in 40.
Mega Millions is played in 12 states: California, Georgia, Illinois,Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Texas, Virginiaand Washington.
Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesdays and Fridays at 11:00 PM EasternTime, 10:00 PM Central Time and 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
The winning ticket was sold at Cousin's News Center Store in Albany. The winner has yet to come forward.
If the winner chooses the cash option, he or she will receive a one-time payment of nearly $203 millions. The jackpot was the sixth largest jackpot in Mega Millions history.
Dixie Chicks: Natalie Maines Releases New Song "God Only Knows"
Dixie Chicks fans have waited nearly five years – since 2006's Grammy-winning album "Taking the Long Way" – to hear new recorded material from Natalie Maines. Now, she's singing a new tune. Actually, the song isn't so new: It's a cover of the Beach Boys's classic "God Only Knows" – recorded by Maines, 36, for the series finale of HBO's Big Love, set to air March 20.
The Dixie Chicks have been off the radar for a while, which is all the more reason to catch "Shut Up & Sing" (8 p.m. Saturday, Country Music Television), the documentary that trails the country darlings as they recover from the backlash that followed their onstage slam of President George W. Bush and their subsequent album. The criticism may have stung, but it did lead to an armful of Grammys and an instant country classic, "Not Ready to Make Nice."
The Dixie Chicks are an American alternative country band which has also successfully crossed over into other genres. The band is composed of founding members (and sisters) Martie Erwin Maguire and Emily Erwin Robison, and lead singer Natalie Maines. The band formed in 1989 in Dallas, Texas and was originally composed of four women performing bluegrass and country music, busking and touring the bluegrass festival circuits and small venues for six years without attracting a major label. After the departure of one bandmate, the replacement of their lead singer, and a slight change in their repertoire, the Dixie Chicks achieved country music and pop success, beginning in 1998 with hit songs including "Wide Open Spaces", "Cowboy Take Me Away", and "Long Time Gone". The women also became well-known for their independent spirit and controversial comments on subjects such as war and politics.
During a London concert ten days before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, lead vocalist Maines said, "we don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States (George W. Bush) is from Texas" (the Dixie Chicks' home state). The statement offended many people, who thought it rude and unpatriotic, and the ensuing controversy cost the band half of their concert audience attendance in the United States and led to accusations of the three women being "un-American", as well as hate mail, a death threat, and the public destruction of their albums in protest.
As of 2009, they have won 13 Grammy Awards, with 5 of them earned in 2007 including the coveted Grammy Award for Album of the Year for Taking the Long Way. As of July 2010, with 30.5 million certified albums, and sales of 26,733,000 albums in the U.S., they have become the top selling all-female band in the U.S. during the Nielsen SoundScan era.
Country Band,
Dixie Chicks,
Natalie Maines
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Manchurian Candidate: Frank Sinatra vs Denzel Washington Version
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) is director-producer John Frankenheimer's prophetically tragic, chilling, brilliant, blackish (film-noirish) Cold War thriller about brain-washing, conspiracy, the dangers of international Communism, McCarthyism, assassination, and political intrigue. Laurence Harvey is brilliant as a brainwashed Korean war hero who has been programmed as a Soviet sleeper/mole agent to assassinate a Presidential candidate.
The 1962 film the Manchurian Candidate is a certified classic. The political thriller was so good that it earned the best tribute it could get. A remake. In 2004, Denzel Washington took on the role originally played by Frank Sintra.
The 1962 film the Manchurian Candidate is a certified classic. The political thriller was so good that it earned the best tribute it could get. A remake. In 2004, Denzel Washington took on the role originally played by Frank Sintra.
There was of course some updating in the remake, some new tweets, and lots of color. But the original black and white, still holds it own. So which one is better and what has been said in comparing the two films?Most film fans who were familiar with the original political thriller tend to side with the 1962 version. But under the direction of Johnathan Demme with a cast that included along side Denzel the likes of Meryl Streep and Liev Schreilber, they do a fabulous job. It’s a strong piece of cinema that comes as a fresher, bright version of the dark and foreboding original.
The Manchurian Candidate (1959), by Richard Condon, is a political thriller novel about the son of a prominent US political family who has been brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for the Communist Party.
Black Eyed Peas Fans: HappyBdayFergie !
Such questions require lengthy debates, but one thing is for certain: Fergie turns 35 today. HappyBdayFergie ! Happy birthday greetings go out to Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson! She's battled through crystal meth addiction and numerous hurdles to become a respected artist and we always look forward to seeing what she'll do next.
![Fergie Black Eyed Peas](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYBZLyhe-FgVpkVS1g514ESnbYHm30UuKhfrsEcsI21l8QNqUmK8YxWtdz__YR9tHyQxsVys1SmolVmbOsgnUtLwG0OQRUHLIKiHZ66es7n5rQT5u7plV_3BqvW0G_3VTb8o4qwsMiS3-8/s200/HappyBdayFergie-4.jpg)
![Fergie Black Eyed Peas](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5EgXEwQ-TIJrqUcO-DW2xwOC9Rpyg8hylIyfSsJofzKfziatlZhd9mS4LrytXBaCFxHmiFqdORJUHrH-ZthhXYogVm1PldBngeItqtPsiz6tl7HR3oGfbiTyHN2BaXuVptctMYsVgMhnb/s200/HappyBdayFergie-3.jpg)
Ferguson married actor Josh Duhamel in early 2009 after a five year relationship.
Click to enlarge some of these Fergie pictures we put together as a tribute to the birthday girl Black Eyed Peas.
Black Eyed Peas,
RIP: Geraldine Anne Ferraro
Geraldine Anne Ferraro was born in Newburgh, New York on August 26, 1935. She was an American attorney, a Democratic Party politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives. She earned a place in history as the first woman vice-presidential candidate on a national party ticket.
Geraldine Anne Ferraro grew up in New York City and became a teacher and lawyer. She joined the Queens County District Attorney's Office in 1974, where she headed the new Special Victims Bureau that dealt with sex crimes, child abuse, and domestic violence. She was elected to Congress in 1978, where she rose rapidly in the party hierarchy while focusing on legislation to bring equity for women in the areas of wages, pensions, and retirement plans. In 1984, former Vice President and presidential candidate Walter Mondale selected Ferraro to be his running mate in the upcoming election. In doing so she became the only Italian American to be a major-party national nominee in addition to being the first woman. The positive polling the Mondale-Ferarro ticket received when she joined faded as questions about her and her husband's finances arose. In the general election, Mondale and Ferraro were defeated in a landslide by incumbent President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush.
Ferraro ran campaigns for a seat in the United States Senate from New York in 1992 and 1998, both times emerging as the front-runner for her party's nomination but losing in primary elections both times. She served as a United States Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights from 1993 until 1996, in the presidential administration of Bill Clinton. She also continued her career as a journalist, author, and businesswoman, and served in the 2008 presidential campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Ferraro died on March 26, 2011, after a 12-year battle with multiple myeloma.
Ferraro continued to battle multiple myeloma, but died from complications of it on March 26, 2011, at Massachusetts General Hospital. In addition to her husband and children, she was survived by eight grandchildren.
President Obama said upon her passing that "Geraldine will forever be remembered as a trailblazer who broke down barriers for women, and Americans of all backgrounds and walks of life," and said that his own two daughters would grow up in a more equal country because of what Ferraro had done. Mondale called her "a remarkable woman and a dear human being .
She was a pioneer in our country for justice for women and a more open society. She broke a lot of molds and it's a better country for what she did." George H. W. Bush said, "Though we were one-time political opponents, I am happy to say Gerry and I became friends in time – a friendship marked by respect and affection. I admired Gerry in many ways, not the least of which was the dignified and principled manner she blazed new trails for women in politics." Palin paid tribute to her on Facebook, saying, "She broke one huge barrier and then went on to break many more. May her example of hard work and dedication to America continue to inspire all women." Bill and Hillary Clinton said in a statement that, "Gerry Ferraro was one of a kind – tough, brilliant, and never afraid to speak her mind or stand up for what she believed in – a New York icon and a true American original."
bruno mars
Bruno Mars
And cekidot ceman-ceman, Little Peter / Bruno
And now, muke die yang sekarang nih
KYAAAA!!!! Kalo gua emang beneran dibeliin ticket concert Bruno Mars nanti 5 April di Istora Senayan, gua janji deh bakal rajin belajar buat UN, soalnya 5 April tuh H-20 ke UN. Gua janji deh beneran. Yang penting gimana caranya gua mau ketemu ataupun liat Bruno Mars asli! Secara langsung! Pleaseeee,
According to TMZ, Bruno Mars has copped a deal in his cocaine possession
Bruno Mars Spending the third week at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 is Bruno
American singer-songwriter and music producer Bruno Mars is hot property on
Bruno Mars (his real name is Peter Hernandez) is taking the music biz by
Bruno Mars Photos
Bruno Mars Hits #1 On The Singles Charts
Singer Bruno Mars may not have an album out just yet, but he surely has
Bruno Mars is at the top of his game now! Mars tops the Hot 100 this
![Bruno Mars born 1985, is an American singer-songwriter and music producer. Bruno Mars born 1985, is an American singer-songwriter and music producer.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgYI5ONefoq6O_liPp56UOjh9Ct1srUioTyV-2hex_hq9FOB_oF-BbBz8n5SIKnGts07Dwq1hmpIlFmNoQAe6LJllnt4itDMXDEE_tTrtmHOdOfdfOxyXbciWdxtqZ8WftOKY9h-crH73Ly/s1600/bruno+mars+biography.jpg)
Bruno Mars born 1985, is an American singer-songwriter and music producer.
Bruno Mars !! He's so hot especially in one of his music vid 'nothin on you'
Newcomer Bruno Mars Tops the Hot 100
Bruno Mars Hot newcomer Bruno Mars has been hit with a felony drug
Bruno Mars' song "Just The Way You Are" hit number one on the Billboard Hot
Is Bruno Mars going to Jail? Robots Movie, Singer Mario Arrested, 15 Hot
Bruno Mars is having quite the bittersweet week. The singer-songwriter was
Bruno Mars Lands Atop Hot 100, Rihanna Roars Into Top 10 | Billboard.com
One of this spring's biggest hits, B.o.B and Bruno Mars' breezy “Nothin' On
Newcomer Bruno Mars has just scored his third chart topping single,
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