Saturday, June 28, 2008

Shop now open!

Good news. Finally I managed to open the shop. You can now buy celebrity cards and celebrity lego sets too. Just click here or go click on "shop" on the right hand menu. Happy browsing!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Goodby Stan Winston_great VFX artist 1946 – 2008

擁有許多奧斯卡特效及化妝大獎與提名的Stan Winston, 與癌魔搏鬥7年,本月15日與世長辭,享年62歲.....................
Stan Winston 所獲得的Academy Awards榮耀如下:
還有今年大賣的鋼鐵人 Iron Man是他最後作品....
He will be missed....

fxguide也製作了一個特別報導Stan - We Miss You, 懷念他的離開與在電影VFX上的成就.....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Screwed Up Celebrity Quiz

It's good to be back. So here's a new Screwed Up Celebrity to get us all in the swing of things. Good luck. Answer next week!

Nearly Complete

It's been a while since the last post. (That's an understatement!!!) I was very busy dealing with all kinds of other stuff. But the new look website is nearly up and running. Does it look better than Michael Jackson? I hope so. Let me know what think in the comments below. All the Friends can look forward to their weekly updates soon. And I mean soon this time! Plus I'm selling some celebrity based stuff - look out for the shop very, very soon.